Prepaid Vs Postpaid mobile connection
We used to see outside railway station the Prepaid Taxi depot for passengers and there we could easily book the taxi while paying in advance. Hence, there were lesser chances of fraud with the travellers as a slip was given to us while booking the cab and the destination place was registered in the Taxi booking office. Since, the time mobile became popular in India, there are two types of services for mobile network users. One is prepaid and other is post paid. Basically, the meaning lies in the prefix where ‘pre’ means before hand and ‘post’ means afterwards. Hence, I will be using whatever I am comfortable with . For example, if my budget is low and I want to use a mobile phone for incoming calls only, then a prepaid connection is more suitable for me. I can do away with Rs 10/- recharge and just keep the balance for giving missed call to notify my friend or relative or any other concerned person. With free Sms packs being provided by most of the Telecom companies in India, a prepaid connection is more than enough because most the communication can be done via messaging. The Jio era has made life easier for customer’s.

Which service should I choose. A prepaid Sim or a Postpaid Sim?
There is no rule or set of instructions regarding the choice of prepaid or postpaid Sim card from a particular network like Idea, Vodafone or Airtel etc.It all depends on a person’s own needs or preference. Some people like to pay after using the services for a month because they don’t care about the spending and don’t like their services to be discontinued. As in postpaid connections, there is a certain credit limit and when a customer’s billed amount starts coming close to that limit, he or she will start receiving notifications from the company’s customer care for notification. The message will come as a reminder for bill payment otherwise customer’s services will be discontinued. But this credit limit is set according to customer’s past payment history. That mean’s more the previous month’s payment and then there will be higher credit limit for them. As normally, the limit is high, the postpaid services are not discontinued so quickly while on other hand in case of prepaid telecom services, we cannot make outgoing calls as soon as the balance is finished.
Hence, there are certain advantages and disadvantages with both Prepaid and Postpaid telecom services. Changing a tariff plan is easier in Prepaid Mobile services as we just need to recharge with another amount. For example, in case of Jio if we need a Rs 499/- plan in place of Rs 399/- then next month, we’ll just ask representative to recharge with that amount. Whereas, in case of postpaid, we need to give application and in some cases there are annual contracts as well, because of which while changing plan , some deductions might be made by the company.
A postpaid connection is more suitable for customer’s having high usage for example a Marketing executive of X company needs to talk to many number of people every day. Hence, the customer company can request the telecom company to customize the plan according to their requirements. As in some cases, the call rates between employees of same company are minimum or in some cases free also. It is difficult to control expenses in case of postpaid services because customer’s don’t care much while talking and hence leading to larger amount of bills. While in case of prepaid service, I’ll try to end the call quickly because if my balance amount goes below 1 rupee, then I could not make even missed calls.
It is also easier to get a mobile number of our choice in case of Postpaid connections while in prepaid, we need to choose from the given Sim cards by the retailer’s. Normally, a company is earning more revenues through it’s post paid customer’s because most customer’s can’t keep track of their call duration and hence there is increased bill amount. This could be the reason why there are chances of better customer service for Post paid customer’s because telecom companies would not want them to be converted into Prepaid customer’s.
We would suggest the customer’s to analyse their requirements before choosing from prepaid or postpaid connections. If you are talking more minutes per day, then getting a postpaid plan is suitable for you because there are various customized plans according to your needs. In some cases you can get minimum possible tariff rates to a particular number . We need to check about details from the respective company’s customer care. While for customer’s who don’t talk much every day nd want to keep mobiles mostly for incoming calls, the prepaid is a good choice for them. But I would advice to check the various plans of different telecos before choosing the best of them. Till then. Good luck!