What are PRI Lines?
PRI - Primary Rate Interface is a digital telephone line, which is based on IP, rather than our conventional analogue telephone lines. The unique feature of PRI is that it has 30 channels, which means it can offer 30 concurrent calls or 30 people can talk simultaneously. Also, it provides 100 Individual numbers or known as direct inward dial numbers (DID). PRI line is also called E1 line or ISDN30e in Europe/UK
Of course, PRI can be used for lots of other things but to make things simple, we will try to define this in simpler version for better understanding. PRI Line is 2Mbps data line, which works with two modems on both the sides. Every Digital Audio Channel requires 64kbps, so if we divide 2Mbps (2048 Kbps) by 64, we get 32 channels. Out of these 32, two are control channels and 30 are Communications (or Audio) Channels. That is the reason PRI in India supports 30 Calls simultaneously.
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Advantages of PRI -
- PRI has Crystal Clear – digital voice
- PRI lines have fast call connection
- One bill for all 30 PRI lines
- One pilot number (If you have 10 PSTN lines – you will have to manually decide which number to make calls from)
- One bill for all the 30 lines instead of 30 separate bills
- Automatic Call Distribution
- On one PRI line, you can get up to 100 numbers, which work like hunting lines. If one channel is busy the call can land on next channel – your customer never gets a busy tone
- DID – Direct Inward Calling
- You can publish all your DID numbers as telephone numbers for different people/department in your company
- DOD – Direct Outward Dialing
- Easily expandable
Dis-advantages of PRI lines -
- The cost of PRI line is justified only if the minimum rental charged by the service provider for a PRI line is more than the average value of calls with analog lines every month in a business. Otherwise, the usage may not even cross the free call value provided by the service provider for a PRI line.
- PRI line may not be economical for long distance/ international calling. An ITSP or SIP trunk service provider who takes the calls over the Internet might charge much lesser for international long distance calls.
- Inter-site or inter-branch communication of a business is not free of cost with PRI lines (Some service providers provide this facility, but all your sites need to have PRI lines from the same service provider, from same exchange and there also might be a minimum revenue commitment for the same). With VOIP systems, inter-business communication can be done over Internet (Using VoIP technology) reducing the cost drastically.
- The cost of a single PRI card to connect to your EPABX/ IP PBX is still very high. These cards are proprietary, meaning you can buy them for your branded PBX from your EPABX provider.
When more number of channels or lines and Encryption is the base to select the solution then PRI is not the right choice. SIP trunk is the only way to go from all prospective quality of service, maintenance, agility, and commercials. Our Primary Rate Interface (PRI) is industry first SLA backed service, which provides 30 voice channels on a single link with the capability of up scaling number of channels as per your future business requirements. These channels can be configured as incoming, outgoing or two-way communication lines. Our PRI lines provide a full featured, 2-way connectivity between ISDN compatible EPABX or phone system and the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). Our PRI line also offers an enterprise access to a telecom infrastructure that can dynamically adapt to the changing needs of your business. Our unmatched SLA offering includes: Network service availability of 98.5%, 24/7 helpdesk with complaint time of 4 hours and credits in case of SLA breach.
PRI Line - Unique differentiation
- Ease of Management
- Video Conferencing
- Enterprise friendly billing system
- Compatibility
Telecoms Supermarket India also offers SIP Trunks with its best in class IP solution which can replace fixed PSTN lines with single physical link, thus reducing cost. SIP line reduces the cost of multiple PRI or PSTN lines as well as hardware requirements for multiple PRI cards and ports. To overcome future issues related to business expansion, maintenance and convergence, you can opt for this innovative service for your business.
Our new offering of hosted EPABX gives your business a fully managed telecommunication service in Cloud, be it at new premises or replacing/enhancing your existing system, with minimal or no capital expenditure. Our hosted telephony platform offers full class 5 features of an EPABX and your business also get unified communications without investing in one.
Telecoms Supermarket India is also due to launch most anticipated fully functional GSM EPABX in India in 2020, which is a unique product offering that eliminates delays caused due to wireline feasibility checks and permissions. It is a portable, least capital expenditure cloud based service that requires only a monthly rental without compromising on quality benefits of a wireline connection. It is ideally suited for Startups, SME's, VSB's and remote offices.
If you are thinking of starting a new business, expanding your existing or if you are thinking of driving your business in 21st century with latest technology, contact Telecoms Supermarket India today and discuss how you can reap the benefits of technology on 011-42908899 today.